Urgent Help and Crisis Information
Health in Mind is a therapy service and not an urgent care or crisis service
We cannot offer help if your needs are urgent and there is an immediate risk of harm to yourself or others.
What do we mean by urgent help or crisis?
Urgent help is needed if a person has plans to harm themselves or others, or to end their lives and that they are going to do this soon or even today.
This is the point that it is really important to access URGENT HELP.
Urgent help can be accessed via the contact details provided below.
Urgent Help Contact Information
Call NHS 111 and select the mental health option
Text SHOUT to 85258
Call the Samaritans, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116123
The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247
Attend your local A&E (or call 999/112 or 111 for non-emergency medical attention).
Go to https://www.sussexpartnership.nhs.uk/urgent-help-crisis
Contact your Doctor’s surgery
Contact your Doctor’s out of hours number
More helpful contacts
Staying Well Space
Out-of-hours ‘crisis cafe’ support available 7 evenings a week for adults (aged 16+) experiencing acute distress due to their mental health. Normally in venues in Hastings and St Leonards and Eastbourne.
Phone: 0800 023 6475 for queries or to discuss a referral
Email: StayingWell@southdown.org
Website: Southdown Staying Well Space
For more advice on coping with suicidal thoughts:
Domestic abuse:
Domestic violence helpline number: https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/
The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247